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  • ... Everything features an ever-growing network of programmers, artists, designers and musicians. Work includes Forever at the V&A,...
  • ...Camille Utterback is a pioneering artist and programmer in the field of interactive installation. Her work has been exhibited at galleries,...
  • ... 1999 events - one conceptualised and realised by New Zealand artist Raewyn Turner and one that was created by myself in Denmark as...
  • ... and computers alongside games). Acknowledged as a "great artist" (1), and third culture thinker (2), and referred to as “a...
  • Artist: Anastasia ManouComment:
  • ... at art academies, media centers and universities. from the artist's homepage
  • ...Paul Vanouse is a biomedia artist based in New York. He holds a BFA from the University at Buffalo (1990) and an MFA from Carnegie Mellon...
  • Artist: Nanette WyldeComment:
  • Virtual Berlin Wall -
    ... traces of the Berlin Wall have been eliminated. In 2008 the artist team T+T (Tamiko Thiel and Teresa Reuter) brought out their VR...
  • Enter the Plastoscene -
    Humans have created a whole new epoch for the denizens of the ocean: the Plastocene. Plastic has become a ubiquitous part of the world's oceans, permeating all layers from the surface down to the darkest depths. Humans like to consider themselves