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  • Drake Street is a street in Rochdale. It is much like many other streets in other towns across Britain. It is also unique. Drake Street is not the main shopping street of Rochdale and is therefore not populated by shops from the major national and
  • Dreamlogs -
    “You can only command language by obeying it” (G. Perec & M.Bénabou, P.A.L.F. project, OuLiPo 1964) Dreamlogs are an idea association engine. They propose another way to surf on the Internet, by disentangling the discourses that have interlaced
  • Coleoptera - video
    Coleoptera Learning computer coding concepts for children (age 4 to 10) Developed for the Centre Pompidou, Paris © 2018-2019, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER Coleoptera is an application that enables the creation of computer animated insects
  • NeORIZON is a urban interactive art installation produced for Horizon Outdoor exhibit during eArts Festival Shanghai, October 18-22 2008 curated by Yan Xiaodong. The city skyline defines the "profile" of the City. It is the visible part of its
  • The Neighbour -
    "The neighbour, neither friend nor enemy, is the one who may not be in your "network", but is nevertheless in your world." (Sukumaran) This ambitious project is Sukumaran's first major one-person exhibition in the UK. In The Neighbour, two
  • Tür - video
    Interactive computer video installation University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT) Behind the computer-animated door is the "direct video transmission" of what is happening outside, the place where the viewer is coming from. At the same time, the window
  • France Cadet (Artist / Robotic Teacher), born in 1971, is a French Artist whose work raises questions about various aspects in science debates: danger of possible accidents, observation of animal and human behaviour, artificialisation of life, side
    SOMEONE imagines a human version of Amazon Alexa, a smart home intelligence for people in their own homes. For a two month period in 2019, four participants’ homes around the United States were installed with custom-designed smart devices, including
  • Manovich, Lev. Software Takes Command. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013.
  • Interactive acoustic sculpture and video Physical and virtual installation Act 14 of the "Mécanique des émotions" Still Moving is an experimental installation consisting of an interactive acoustic sculpture and a realtime video projection. The