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  • This immersive audio environment explores how humans react to commands imposed by a machine generating its acoustic stimuli on the basis of tracked body movement. In this environment, different states of human and machine action are understood as a
  • BICYCLE TV is a rider controlled real-time video tour of a scenic landscape in the Canadian countryside. This interactive installation consists of a 1950's style bicycle with a colour monitor (mounted in front of the bicycle facing the
  • in cooperation with Mathias Fuchs --- This game is about finding your identity (if you have got one), to change your identity, to steal or borrow another person's identity or to destroy identities. What is an identity? It is the idea that
  • Kopernicus Center -
    Warsaw 2010. Brand new science centre opening in Warsaw, autumn 2010. The first science centre to open in Eastern Europe. Computer rendering: triple installation.
  • Fitness Art Centre -
    Three screens are linked to three body-building machines that visitors are invited to use. Doing so activates images of demonstrators projected onto the screens but blurred by the random appearance and disappearance of big brand logos. The whole
  • Nemo, the robotic fish, is swimming imperturbably in the screen, which is his fish tank as well. The robotic cat is sitting in front of the screen and he is watching it as he was looking at a real fish swimming in a real tank. Time to time he
  • E-volve Wolf Lieser opened a new gallery [DAM]Cologne on the 24th April 2010. boredomresearch are exhibiting their computational systems Lost Calls of Cloud Mountain Whirligigs in the first exhibition ‘E-volve’ at the gallery. Lost Calls of Cloud
  • etoy -
    1994-1999 etoy.CORPORATION 1999-2005 etoy.holding etoy was the first streetgang on the internet, a glamourous boygroup consisting of designers, architects, popstars, marketing agents and systems engineers/coders with a strong corporate identity
  • After Microsoft -
    The most distributed image ever is being phased out. What remains is a hill in Sonoma Valley, California. In the context of this project we have re-visited the hill. “After Microsoft” tells the story of a January day in the late 90’s when the hill
  • ANGELS - video
    The First Immersive Virtual Reality Movie. "ANGELS" was conceived at MIT & developed at the Hitlab in Seattle. It was completed in December 1991 and recorded on video in January 1992. This revolutionary movie was programmed for the 3 senses: visual,