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  • Pulse Tank -
    ...Pulse Tank is an Interactive installation where the heart rates of members of the... heart rate onto the tank. (Photos by Scott Saltzman)
  • ... transformed into an interactive installation. The project was developed...
  • Subtitled Public -
    ... group for example. Finally, the installation is an ironic statement... “thematic individuals”. (Photos by Alex Dorfsman)
  • Surface Tension -
    ...Surface Tension is an interactive installation where an image of a giant human eye... on a plasma screen. (Photos by Antimodular Research)
  • There Is No Business -
    ... néon, métal, timer / neon installation, metal, timer EDITION/SET...
  • Sonicity -
    ...nicity by Stanza Sonicity is a responsive installation, a sonification of the...
  • Sensity -
    ... then be shown / exhibited as an installation and projected ie, making a...
  • ... London. A playful robot installation - with performative and...
  • ... Plymouth arts centre 2008. INSTALLATION: Set up of drawing,...
  • Soul Of The City -
    ... networked, generative, installation, artwork, Technology:...