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  • a video installation, was commissioned for the lobby of a movie theater in Time Square by Creative Time, Inc. and the 42nd St. Development Corp. for The 42nd Street Art Project. The piece tracks a metamorphosis from a choreography based on the
  • The range of images, films, music and texts on the internet is growing rapidly. All digitally available elements can be used as material to make new collages. For this reason, many artists scour the internet’s servers for raw material to integrate
  • The Supply Chain Visualization (SCVis) project provides a way for managers to physically construct and interact with models of how products flow between their business, thier suppliers and their customers. It lets managers use complex numerical
  • ZOMBIAC consists of a large number of computer terminals and workstations, ranging in vintage from the 1970s to the present. Each computer has been "zombified": all the original electronics have been removed, transforming them into mindless
  • A-Volve - video
    In the interactive real-time environment "A-Volve" visitors interact with virtual creatures in the space of a water filled glass pool.These virtual creatures are products of evolutionary rules and influenced by human creation and decision.
  • Slides of Clovis Trouille's paintings were projected over the buttocks of a replica of the leading lady in "Mes funérailles" (1940) and also onto a paper projection screen which was torn open by inflatable tubing during the performance. At the
  • Emergences of Continuous Forms was one of a series of performances and installations in this period which explored various methods of extending the cinematic image into the space of the viewers and of provoking the viewer's physical
  • Glove Screen -
    This work was one of three performances during the exhibition This is no Thing - This is a Situation of Opportunity at the Kingly Street Gallery in London. Viewers could interactively control the inflation and deflation of transculent white surgical
  • Televents
    Numerous disillusionary manipulations of domestic TV sets were made for a television broadcast by the V.P.R.O. For instance, the TV screen was replaced with a white painted black balloon on which film was projected - when the balloon was inflated
  • Diadrama
    The Diadrama was an audio-visual performance with over 2000 slides being projected onto a large wide screen by three pairs of synchronised slide projectors. The main themes explored in this work were panoramic methods of representation, the collage