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  • Event: Art Futura 2004: Augmented RealityInstitution: Art FuturaComment:
  • Electronic Maple -
    Event: Electronic MapleInstitution: New York Center for Art and Media StudiesComment:
  • Event: Alternating Currents: American Art in the Age of Technology, Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American ArtInstitution: San Jose Museum of ArtComment:
  • Event: Deep SleepInstitution: ZKMComment:
  • ... which is often described as the...
  • 1960 - born in town Yaroslavl, Russia; 1984 - graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute; - an artist, poet, author of many art-projects; - an inspirator and organiser of various communication creative societies (KEPNOS,
  • Event: The brain stripped bareInstitution:; Network for International Media Art and the Performing ArtsComment:
  • Event: Teleporting An Unknown StateInstitution: Contemporary Arts CenterComment:
  • Martin Kusch is particularly interested in the influence of digital technologies on our way of thinking and on our perception of the body and space. Following his studies in art history, philosophy, and painting in Berlin and in media art with Peter
  • Jaron Zepel Lanier is an American computer scientist, best known for popularizing the term virtual reality (VR). A pioneer in the field of VR, Lanier and Thomas G. Zimmerman left Atari in 1985 to found VPL Research, Inc., the first company to sell