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  • Under the theme Seeking Silicon Valley, the 2012 ZERO1 Biennial will feature work by a diverse group of local, national, and international contemporary artists whose work will transform Silicon Valley into an epicenter for innovative art production
  • In the first year of the coronavirus pandemic it was thought that transmission was primarily through physical contact. We were hyperaware of the surfaces we touched and of the traces that may or may not be on those surfaces. Indeed, for those alone
  • Seeking the common denominator of all contemporary artworks, in spite of their spectacular diversity, the artist found that it should be the very perfume of the art gallery, freshly repainted, before the exhibition opening. White Cube is first an
  • etoy -
    1994-1999 etoy.CORPORATION 1999-2005 etoy.holding etoy was the first streetgang on the internet, a glamourous boygroup consisting of designers, architects, popstars, marketing agents and systems engineers/coders with a strong corporate identity
  • Peep Hole -
    This work extends my investigation of shifts in spectatorship in the context of the digital. It seeks to bring a live social context to bear on acts of looking and being looked at that might more commonly occur through digital media. The work aims
  • Bodytext
    Bodytext is a performance work that involves speech, movement and the body. A dancer's movement and speech are re-mediated within an augmented environment employing real-time motion tracking, voice recognition, interpretative language systems,
  • I am honored to be guest VR artist in Karolina Markiewicz and Pascal Piron's moving VR work that tells the story of a child who, resilient to despair, seeks relief through memories, imagination, and the strength of poetry. This is based on the true
  • Art seeks diverse ways of understanding reality. Kiasma’s international exhibition ARS 06 focuses on meaning of art as part of the reality of our time. The subtitle of the exhibition is Sense of the Real. The human experiences like joy and sorrow
  • Ilknur Yalvac is an artist and designer based in Vienna, holding a degree in Digital Arts from the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Her artistic practice is rooted in a deep exploration of the interconnectedness of music history, literature,
  • LAM -
    A computer installation desigend to create communication between several computers. A network created an on going creative process between the computers surrounding the viewer with light and sound. The process would continue to change as the