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  • The Infinite Line proposes new modes of spectatorship in the performance of poetry. In the tradition of Oulipo, the ‘workshop of potential literature', this interactive installation gives visitors the opportunity to recombine the poetic ensemble of
  • ...Capturing MemoriesArtist: Emiliano ZucchiniComment:
  • Microswarm Patchwalk -
    ...Microswarm PatchwalkArtist: Christina McPheeComment:
  • ...SMART CITY ABC aims to decode a territory that has produced a specialist vocabulary, in order to promote acessibility to the debate. The vision...
  • Kayak Libre -
    Kayak Libre provides a temporary experimental infrastructure in the form of a kayak taxi service along the waterways. The fare is a conversation. (Scource:
  • Faceless -
    ... CCTV images recorded in London, the most surveilled city on Earth. These images are heavily inscribed by laws relating to privacy...
  • ... prominent international practitioners in the field of software art could not participate in the first version of CODeDOC since the...
  • ...All kinds of people are using their smartphones. The displays don’t show any apps – only the sensual movements of the hands. Each pair of hands...
  • Under the Surface -
    ...Under the SurfaceArtist: Eleanor Gates-StuartComment:
  • ...CON-TEMPO-RARY-LANDSCAPEArtist: David OppenheimComment: