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  • Cadence was screened daily in the artists’ animated film programme curated by Professor Suzie Hanna for the micro-kino outdoor cinema space, featuring animations that respond to the themes of nature and journey, specially created for the Sculpture
  • Parallel Universe -
    2011 Wood Street Galleries"Parallel Universe" September 30th - December 31st, 2011 Lawrence Malstaf, Arnold Dreyblatt, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer - Pittsburgh, USA
  • Ellen Pearlman: Invited Panel Member
  • make-A-move -
    The Montreal artist-run centre TOPO is a laboratory for digital writings and creations for web, performance, and installation spaces. Its mandate is to incubate, produce, and circulate original multimedia artworks that explore interdisciplinary and
  • JavaMuseum, since 2000 one of the pioneers on the field of Internet based art, started in 2007 a discussion by releasing v.1.0 of a+b=ba? - art + blog = blogart? which became one of its most most popular
  • AMRO - Art Meets Radical Openness Festival dedicated to Art, Hacktivism and Open Culture
  • ... position itself in a climate shaped by event fever there and saving cuts here? We welcome...
  • Experimenta Utopia Now, International Biennial of Media Art (EUN) from 5th of August til 3rd of October, 2011.
  • The 40th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Conference 21-25 July 2013, Exhibition 23-25 July 2013.
  • Event: Transdisciplinarité virtuelle, con-fusion et sens dessus dessousInstitution: H2PTM, Créer du...