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  • ...calling attention to the beauty of life and the necessity for enlightened thinking about nature’s ‘tangled bank’.
  • Eduardo Kac, pioneer of multiple art genres like Telematic Art, Transgenic Art and Bio Art, guides us through 40 years of radical changes in the body-technology relationship, offering different approaches on how to reflect the boundaries of human
  • Roman Kirschner Born 1975 in Vienna, Austria 93-98 studies at the University of Vienna: philosophy, art history 99-04 studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Germany 01-04 cofounder and member of the artist collective fur. 05 research
  • Urban Hero -
    Urban Hero, Part 1 Routines and conveniences of our daily life have become gradually fatal for the environment, thus representing a growing problem for functioning ecosystems of flora and fauna, but also directly for our health. The ubiquity of
  • Series of 3D prints in polymer additive plaster, highlighting the interrelation between real objects and their 3D virtual counterparts. The 3D print "Inevitable Beauty" is subjected to a temporal maelstrom in its fabrication, while "Compulsive
  • William Latham's Computer Artworks In 1990 Mark Ayres was commissioned by artist William Latham (then Visiting Fellow at the IBM UK Scientific Centre) to compose a score for his Computer Art film The Evolution of Form. The result was highly
  • Biological theories, mathematical principles, and technology are founding elements in his work. He straddles the boundaries between video art, performance,, music, and painting. An amalgam of nuances from a world ruled by data overload.
  • Series of 3D prints in polymer additive plaster, highlighting the interrelation between real objects and their 3D virtual counterparts. The 3D print "Inevitable Beauty" is subjected to a temporal maelstrom in its fabrication, while "Compulsive
  • C. E. B. REAS (b. 1972, United States) lives and works in Los Angeles. His software, prints, and installations have has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions at museums and galleries in the United States, Europe, and Asia. REAS'
  • Tuer, Dot. The Second Nature of Simulation: Mirroring the Organic in the Virtual World of Char Davies's Ephémère In Char Davies: Ephémère, edited by National Gallery of CanadaOttawa, ON, Canada: 1998.