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  • Lorna - video
    LORNA 1979-1983 A.D. A.D. "A precondition to video is that it does not talk back. It absorbs, rather than reflects." Preliminary Notes, 1981 While video was like a reflection that did not talk back, interactive works were like a trick, two
  • 1,4..19 -
    Animal experimentation is a common practice for people. We have used the standard metaphor of a mouse in a labyrinth to study the mechanics of how reality of shaped. The mouse is rigidly influenced by its own unrealized reality. We observe how it
  • Timetable
    In Timetable, an image is projected from above onto a large circular table. Twelve dials are positioned around the perimeter of the table. The functions each of these dials changes and mutates, depending on what is projected onto them at any given
  • Janet Cardiff was born in Brussels, Ontario in 1957. She began her formal art studies at Queen's University, where she earned her bachelor's degree in 1980. In 1983, she earned a master's degree in Visual Arts from the University of Alberta. During
  • Lintermann, Bernd; Deussen, Oliver. Interactive Modelling of Branching Structures In SIGGRAPH 96 Visual Proceedings, : 1996.
  • Lintermann, Bernd and Oliver Deussen. Interactive Modelling and Animation of Branching Botanical Structures In Computer Animation and Simulation ´96, , 139-151. Wien, New York: Springer, 1996.
  • Ksenia Fedorova is a media art researcher and curator. She holds Ph.D in Philosophy/Aesthetics (St.Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, RU) and is a PhD candidate at the Cultural Studies Graduate Group, University of California Davis. Her research interests
  • Liquid Language -
    It is an experiement in fluid text. Text appears on the screen, dissolves and transforms continuously, resulting in a representation of a wandering stream of consciousness. The structure of the work revolves around the three themes : forgetting,
  • FUTURE CINEMA The Cinematic Imaginary after Film Curated by Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel 16 November 2002 - 30 March 2003 ZKM Karlsruhe | atria 8 & 9, Media Theater [Admission :: EUR 5,10/3,10] Press conference : 14. November, 11am,
  • Event: Arte Cibernetica. Collection of Itaú CulturalInstitution: Estação Cabo Branco - Ciência, Cultura e ArtesComment: