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  • Choi, Deanne. Surrey Youth on display at bold interactive showcase Source Magazine British Columbia 13, no. 28 (October 2013):
  • Bašin, Miloš. Uršula Berlot: Introspekcija/Introspection Bežigrajska Gallery 2, 1st. – 29th of September 2010. Ljubljana: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana
  • Paul, Christiane. CODeDOC II: curator's statement
  • Arns, Inke. Interaktion, Partizipation, Vernetzung: Kunst und Telekommunikation [18.08.2015].
  • To explore the use of motion of physical objects to convey information and emotion, we have designed a series of Expressive Kinetic Objects. The Dyna-Lux is a kind of Expressive Kinetic Objects. The Dyna-Lux is a table lamp augmented with a
  • Stephen Travis Pope is an award-winning composer, film-maker, computer scientist and social activist based in Santa Barbara, California. He is currently active as a software development contractor and intellectual property expert through FASTLab.
  • PSyBench -
    PSyBench is a general platform for creating distributed Tangible Interfaces for collaborative design. Objects on an augmented tabletop are physically synchronized with identical objects on a remote table, allowing distant users to cooperatively
  • Media art from 25 nations is what the 17th World Wide Video Festival will present from 15 September until 11 October this year in Amsterdam. On September 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 many of the selected artists will be there in person and a number of them
  • PingPongPlus -
    PingPongPlus is a digitally enhanced version of the classic ping-pong game. It is played with ordinary, un-tethered paddles and balls, and features a "reactive table" that incorporates sensing, sound, and projection technologies. Projectors display
  • Artist Statement: "Increased use of sensor technologies, big data, algorithms, surveillance, monitoring and tracking question what it means to be human in terms of privacy, individuality, authority, and the State. Using robotized voices, enhanced