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  • ... data sets, only become perceivable as colored light on a screen when processed by specific protocols. Our work involved...
  • Home Transnfer -
    ... affects aspects of domestic life in new ways. Visitors may share thoughts in two guest-books provided for this purpose. The aim...
  • artTrap -
    ... other half goes to the artist. Outside the room a plasma screen displays in real time the details of the artist's bank account...
  • Plain Text -
    ... has a different phrase displayed by itself on a large LCD screen. For the PluggedIn Exhibition in Hudson, NY two of these...
  • Taken -
    ... since the computer was turned on occurs together on the screen, repeating every 20 seconds. The image stream, provides a kind...
  • ... are reconstructed as 3-D models that float out of the screen And in one instance, live performers from the Beijing Dance...
  • ... and festivals, those occasions when people gather together to share an experience, a kind of glue or social capital, and how this...
  • ... and navigated interactively on a 3 m diameter circular screen. The interaction paradigm has an affinity with that of...
  • .. known for their inimitable poetic language of visualization and sonification of interrelations between humans and nature ..
  • ... image within a fully surrounding 9m diameter projection screen. A virtual pscyho-geographic reconstruction of the Melbourne...