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  • ... in numerous symposia and conferences, including the new media festivals FILE (São...
  • ... a number of media, combining digital art including AI art and NFT art with video art,...
  • ... art and computer-aided art analysis, including graphics, film, video, animation,...
  • ... the Depression from a chorus of objects [including two bubbles, a chair, a shawl and a...
  • Musique Non Stop -
    ... Cafe by the German group Kraftwerk including the classic, award-winning music video,...
  • ..... His publications include Timeshift: On Video Culture, Videography: Video Media as Art and Culture,...
  • ... this experimentation on other drawings, including one of a hummingbird in flight. Csuri...
  • ... a designer and consultant of Nihon Seikei Inc. and Japanese railway, he has worked on...
  • ... of different media-elements and processes including 3D objects, 2D images and poetic texts,...
  • ... with graphics input/output capabilities, including projection screens. We offer the space...