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    ... following the success of random international's inclusion in Decode Digital Design Sensations at the Victoria & Albert Museum, this much anticipated show presents their three latest works: SWARM, Self-portrait and Triptych. Deemed as the pioneers of...
  • White Cube -
    ... all the well off private views. The Spirit of Contemporary Art will be distributed in small sized bottles, ascetic design, in museum shops…or better, in the artist’s furniture shop. White Cube is the prototype of White Box project, in partnership with...
  • Art Total -
    ... the multiple conceptual acrobatics which led Klein to exhibit emptiness, Armand to exhibit plenitude and Buren to stage the museum as the content of the work, there remains a slot for those professing Total Art. The aim here is to set up an inflatable...
  • ..."Levels of Nothingness," 2009 Sept 17 - 21, 2009 The Guggenheim Museum, New York performance, installation dimensions variable Inspired by Vasily Kandinsky’s Yellow Sound (1912), Rafael Lozano-Hemmer created an installation where colors are automatically derived from...
  • artTrap -
    ...In the main gallery of a contemporary art museum. A big one... A cubic room de 4 x 4 x 3m.No ceiling. The top of the box is open. This room is surrounded by 4 walls. In the middle of each wall : a door. At the beginning the door height is 1m80. Each wall...
  • AME: Art After Museum -
    ... for virtual reality OPUS IN MACHINA > IMAGO EX MACHINA ART EXPLORER : AN ACTIVE SPECTATOR Milestones for an Art After Museum Is there thing such as Art After Museum ? Cosa Mentale Back to the cavern (contemporary wall art ?) The work of the...
  • Contre Temps -
    ...When Olga Kisseleva was invited to do a performance at Louvre Lens, she analyzed the layout of the museum. The Louvre Lens building, which is made up of several elongated and slightly curved modules, seems both open (to viewing, to interpretation, to a multitude of...
  • ...Streaming Museum, an international public art and online museum, will celebrate its fourth anniversary on January 31 with the US premiere of “Emotion Forecast” and “Occupy Wall Screens,” real-time artworks by the renowned French artist Maurice Benayoun. The exhibition...
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    ... only make sense but are far more interesting and layered - in function, meaning and beauty - than any found in contemporary museum art. The images in Exploded_Views 2.0 consist of point clouds generated from huge Web 2.0 photo collections like Flickr. The...
  • ... has recently been shown in the collection of the Neue Sammlung of the Pinakothek der Moderne / International Design Museum in Munich / Germany. For the documentation of the installation, rAndom International and Philips Lumiblade commissioned...