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  • THE DOLLY CLONES Tilllie, The Telerobotic Doll 1995-1998 http://www. and CybeRoberta 1970-1998 These two telerobotic dolls share information and vie for images to
  • Ceci n'est pas un nike talks about on line creation and its conditions. Its point of departure is the conceptual confusion between interface and surface. Magritte's pipes are its strongest referencs and it updates the discussion about
  • 3-d International video-art festival in public spaces Organizers & festival team are Invite artists working with video, animation and new media to participate in the project: Festival dates, June 5 - July 5, 2006 Festival place Moscow, Saint
  • On the occasion of this exhibition, Acevedo updated his artist statement. It was quite brief but yet an articulate recapitulation of the enduring core values of his work. It spoke to the deep and long artistic journey he had traveled to this point.
  • esc for escape -
    esc for escape is cross media project on error messages. A documentary on life beyond the screen with outputs in DVD, electronic billboards and indoors exhibition, mediated by Internet, SMS e MMS. The audience was invited to submit error
  • Arslab
  • From May 9 through June 1, 2019, Victor Acevedo presented a retrospective exhibition of his digital work at Los Angeles Center for Digital Art. He showed a selection of print work that spanned the years 1987 to 2019 and his computer animation and
  • Workaholic
    A pendulum hangs from the ceiling, with an omnidirectional bar code scanner as the bob (the weight) at the end of the cable. The scanner casts an intense red laser beam downward as it skims the floor, reading symbols printed on a 12 foot diameter
  • Horizon -
    Horizon is a narrative clock made out of images accessed in realtime from webcams found in every time zone around the world. The result is a constantly updating array of images that read like a series of movie storyboards, but also as an
  • comprises five video projections which atmospherically depict and re-interpret our habitat. In the exhibition space five projections are set up like a landscape. Each of these projections represents one aspect of the manifestation of nature as