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  • Pulse Front -
    ... the heart rate of passers-by. Ten metal sculptures...
  • ... them. As visitors walk past the Membrane, their image...
  • Homes
    ... a small theatre, and the passers-by are the public. The...
  • ... jumps between action and passivity, between motion and...
  • Urban Quick Response -
    ... in situ QRcodes, invites passers-by to interact directly... with local researchers. The work, an ensemble of in...
  • Underscan - video
    ... space. In the work, passers-by are detected by a...
  • ... conversations with passers-by asking a universal... may see and hear strangers telling stories on the...
  • ... public artwork where passers-by can see themselves and...
  • Stairs -
    ... projection depicting passers-by carrying bags.
  • Decidophobia - video
    ... the visual experience: passers-by are expressing their...