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  • Homes
    ... examine details of the interiors by using a simple computer interface. In the present version of the installation, three interiors...
  • ...Fleischmann, Monika and Christine Schöpf. Home of the Brain. Golden Nica für Interaktive Kunst In Prix Ars Electronica 1992, edited by Hannes...
  • ...Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Home of the Brain : A networked VR installation as virtual exhibition of philosophers' thoughts In...
  • ...HOME OF THE BRAIN (1990-91) - PHILOSOPHICAL DIALOGUES IN VIRTUAL SPACE Ever wanted to get inside the minds of great thinkers? With Home of the...
  • ...Prix Ars Electronica 1992 / Jury Statement / Interactive Art. Hme of the Brain [].
  • ... Hiroshi’s research focuses upon the design of seamless interfaces between humans, digital information, and the physical...
  • ... cost PCs and 04 stereoscopic projection. By interacting with interfaces we are immersed in the virtual landscape simulating heart...
  • ... and see for example, images from dengue breeds sites. After a brainstorming session with some students we sketched a project to use... between community and students. Besides the graphical interface and poorly aspects of game the major contribution of the app...
  • Handsight
    ... is constituted by a circular projection screen, a hand-held interface which has the form of an eyeball, and a transparent sphere...
  • handSCAPE -
    ... and storage space allocation. Thus, HandSCAPE is a tangible interface that provides seamless relationships between digital and...