Archive Search

  • The Hybrid Invention Generator (2001) is a work that explores a "machinic genetics." Users of the system can scroll through a series of inventions, choose two different inventions and generate the visualization of a hybrid invention. An underlying
  • Skull v02
    Archival Digital Print, Sizes: 8”x10” and 13”x19” Epson Pigment inks on cotton rag substrate or Light Jet digital photo prints. (plus custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: 1994 The original version of this image, Skull v1 was first
  • Plot [English title, Project outline #11 to #15] Series 'Body Scanned Architecture' The work series 'Projektskizzen' was developed in 2001, based on the interactive computer environment 'Body Scanned Architecture', which was realized in the Austrian
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Digital Sparks 2001 digital sparks.
  • Weibel, Peter, ed. Vom Tafelbild zum globalen Datenraum Edition ZKM Hatje Kanz Ostfildern 2001 ISBN 3-7757-1977-9. Vol.1. ISBN 3-7757-1977-9, Edition ZKM th ed.Ostfildern: Hatje Kanz, 2001.
  • Fleischmann, Monika. Die Spur des Betrachters im Bild Vom Tafelbild zum globalen Datenraum 1, no. ISBN 3-7757-1077-9 (June 2001): 138 - 149.
  • Fleischmann, Monika. Die Spur des Betrachters im Bild Vom Tafelbild zum globalen Datenraum 1, no. ISBN 3-7757-1077-9 (June 2001): 138 - 149.
  • Eric in Orense v02 -
    Archival Digital Print, Sizes: 8”x10” and 13”x19” Pigment Inks on cotton rag substrate or Light Jet digital photo prints. (Also available larger custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: March 2001 (detail: horizontal crop) This is a
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang et al. Strauss. Proceedings cast01 / living in mixed realities. Vol.300. ISSN 618-1387, 1 th ed.Sankt Augustin: FHG-ZPS, 2001.
  • Fields of Origin NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition, I -NODE of Planetary Collegium 2015 By Lila Moore Novel forms and ideas arise unexpectedly from unknown or previously unsuspected origin. Being new and full of mysterious possibilities, they