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  • ... — linked by over 22 million references — form the vocabulary. By using references to earlier...
  • ... contexts. Each version of the work informs other versions in varying ways i.e. this work... text and time-based section of video. The template of the work has 33 variables for each...
  • Illuminating Clay -
    ...s interface allows users to explore and analyze free form spatial models. Using this platform we...
  • Ambient Fixtures -
    ... information through their changes in form, movement, sound, color, and light. Ambient...
  • Panspermia -
    ... throughout the universe in the form of germs or spores. This piece places the...
  • ... anamorphic sculpture, which present the form of a typical architect’s adjustable drawing...
  • process 18 -
    ... of the text. It defines the form and behaviours of autonomous elements and the...
  • Optical Diffraction -
    ... a site-specific video installation in the form of a diptych: the upper part presents a video...
  • Proverbs -
    ... tag is a matrix style barcode in the form of a square symbol made up of dots or...
  • Oco
    ...As the cylindrical form of the three letters spins in space, the letter I appears and disappears,...