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  • Tracing -
    ... the other side of the screen. Back Screen Projection (East European Sites): A blurred letter is "retraced" with the mouse to...
  • ... Yelistratov. Interfacing Cultural Heritage In Proceedings of Eurographics Multimedia '99, edited by N. Correia and T. Chambel and...
  • Eurographics 2005 -
    ..."In 2005, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, will play host to Eurographics, the 26th annual conference of the European Association for Computer...
  • Eurographics 2006 -
    ...The annual main conference of the European Association of Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2006, will take place from the 4th to the 8th of...
  • ...Organizer: Sandrine Amiel, Parlement européen, Direction générale de la Communication Bureau en France, Paris Special thanks to Adrienne Éva...
  • Soft Cinema - video
    ... time, such as the rise of mega-cities, the changes in Eastern Europe, and the effects of information technologies on subjectivity. ...
  • ... The Database of Provintial Life (Volume 1: 20th Century Europe) is constructed as follows. 10 different years in the 20th...
  • ... and given workshops and lectures throughout Latin America and Europe. His work has been exhibited at major international art...
  • ... comment on a debate over the changing position of art within Europe. Three pure-bred German Shepherds were chained at three...
  • Kopernicus Center -
    ... autumn 2010. The first science centre to open in Eastern Europe. Computer rendering: triple installation.