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  • ...Paul, Christiane. Neural Networks vs. Computer-Networked Environments. Cognition and Communication in Digital Art [21.10.2014].
  • ...Christophe Bruno lives and works in Paris. He began his artistic activity in September 2001. His polymorphic work (installations, performances, conceptual pieces…) has a critical take on network phenomena and globalisation in the field of language and images. He was...
  • ...Event: What Remains of Art When Technology Vanishes? 25 years of practice in spite of technologyInstitution: ArtComTec - Art/Communication/Technologies seminarsComment:
  • Urban Datascape -
    ... yourself in the heart of the Parisian climate issues. Designed for the Banks of the Seine, this work inaugurates the launch ArtCOP21, a cultural event on climate change that will take place throughout the year until the COP21. The artist Olga Kisseleva has...
  • ...Event: Urban DatascapeInstitution: ArtCOP21Comment:
  • Media Art Learning -
    ... für LehrerInnen gemacht - als Anregung, zum Nachmachen, zum Andersmachen oder gar zum Bessermachen. Im Projekt „ArtDeCom- Art Design Computer” liegt der Schwerpunkt der Unterrichtskonzepte für allgemein bildende Schulen in der spielerisch-experimentellen...
  • ...Charles A. Csuri is an artist and computer graphics pioneer and Professor, at The Ohio State University. He exhibited his paintings in New York City from 1955-1965. His early work is in the collections of Walter P. Chrysler, movie actor Jose Ferrer, pop artist Roy...
  • Lorna - video
    ... the icons were made often of cut off and dislocated body parts such as a mouth, or an eye... The first interactive laser artdisk. LORNA tells the story of an agorophobic woman. Viewers have the option of directing her life into several possible plots and...
  • Time Capsule -
    ... of my body. The live component of the piece was realized on November 11, 1997, in the context of the exhibition "Arte Suporte Computador", at the cultural center Casa da Rosas, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. "Time Capsule" was carried live on the evening...