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  • Palmer, Daniel. The Art of Real Time In Politics of a Digital Present: An Inventory of Australian Net Culture, Criticism and Theory, edited by Hugh Brown and Geert Lovink and Helen et. al. Merrick, 215-223. Melbouren, AUS: Fibreculture, 2001.
  • Amerika, Mark. The Renewable Tradition (Extended Play Remix)
  • Homunculus Agora -
    homunculus agora (h.a) is a large-scale architectonic installation of several dozen sculptural bodies (homunculi) that are organized in a fluid-like cluster, appearing at the Markham Museum in the Land|Slide Possible Futures exhibit from September
  • "Art and Body" was the general topic of EMAF 1995. Many artists had chosen the human body to be the focal point of their projects, and they also brought up the question of the influence the expansion of interactive media has on the individual. The
  • Conversations@the Studio presents a natural navigation of a real-world situation—a contemporary glass craftsman’s studio. By displaying a 360-degree global video recording, made on location at the glass blowing studio, it provides the tele-present
  • Dr. Catherine B. Fisher has been an exhibited and published artist for over forty years. She lives in the Sutherland Shire of New South Wales, Australia. Her artworks are nationally award-winning & multi-disciplinary - printmaking, digital art,
  • .. His publications include Timeshift: On Video Culture, Videography: Video Media as Art and Culture, Digital Aesthetics, Simulation and Social Theory, The Cinema Effect, EcoMedia ..
  • As global water levels and temperatures rise, plants and animals are mutating to adapt. Strange new creatures are arising at the interstices between plant and animal, questioning and transgressing the boundaries of what is considered to be reactive
  • Comission: Beleza Convulsiva Tropical (Convulsive Tropical Beauty). Curator: Ana Pato
  • Event: fotoJueves-La Ficción como Metáfora del MundoInstitution: Centro Colombo Americano de BogotáComment: