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  • Pinches Pelos Dodger -
    ...Installation, human hair coated with platinum film and engraved with a focused ion beam, test tube, illuminated electron-microscope duratrans print, metal frame, certificate
  • ... real space made as a visualisation. A special camera system, makes these digital images in the gallery space. Prototype was tested in Plymouth arts centre 2008. INSTALLATION: Set up of drawing, camera, robots and projectors. Contact. Stanza at...
  • Media Facades -
    ... city terminal in Berlin and explore their cultural, political and social roles. These screenings serve as a demonstrative test platform for the public. They invite a wider audience to gain hands-on experience in this special connection of content, format,...
  • Living Tattoos -
    ... by customizing their own pages with texts, images and videos. Members of the community can also exchange ideas, post testimonials and plan social gatherings through the communication services provided by the platform. On the project's website page,...
  • ...Huhtamo, Erkki. Twin-Touch-Test-Redux: Media Archaeological Approach to Art, Interactivity, and Tactility In MediaArtHistories, edited by Oliver Grau, 71-101. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006.
  • Open(ing) Source -
    ... by National Geographic Society and IBM - the project is about genetics and the history of human migration-. The results -DNA tests- of our participation in Genographic Project are related with our "genetic markers" and how they can describe our journey as...
  • ... art world. A protection of resources that is not guided by commercial interest or political goals. The project sets out to test the safety net of the art world and to discover its limitations and boundaries. The oil, its protection and defense mechanism,...
  • PICO -
    ... to create interfaces that allow people and computers to collaborate in novel ways. To explore this idea we are creating and testing an interface for planning cellular telephone networks on an actuated tabletop sensing surface. Objects on this surface are...
  • I like Frank -
    ... Frank. Whether playing on the streets or logging from around the world, players built relationships, swapped information and tested the possibilities of a new hybrid space. The game invited players to search for Frank through the streets of Adelaide....
  • dog[lab]01 -
    ... marking cells. Could this enchanting and audacious combination of robotics with different transgenic animal species be a testimony to how blind and unrelenting eugenics is in its search for a new, more resistant, more productive or more universal animal...