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  • ELO 2022-E2Lit -
    ... to reshape its own and presents the reader with complex assemblages on...
  • ......calling attention to the beauty of life and the necessity for enlightened...
  • ... are digitally transformed into colourful, hypnotic landscapes and... video, 4.22' The video Hyperoptics examines the technologically extended forms of...
  • ... in closeups, without the theatrical makeup more suited for the... Carl Theodor Dreyer's 1928 'La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc' is arguably one of the...
  • ... which looks like a fan is coloured grey or beige, and merges into... There is the only one country in the world to have a hybrid as her national...
  •, writer and curator, who has worked in the field of Bio Art since the late...
  • ... directly evident nor exposed to the view ..
  • ..... "Ideally by using these technologies, art should see through them and unveil...
  • ... ability to erupt in a swarm of colour and movement evoking freedom of... of butterflies to animate the powerful iconography of worldwide...
  • ... 66 x 90 cm (each) Drawings in colour that trace microscopic motifs of... shift conceptually away from the real motif towards the abstract one...