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  • ... laws. From the pilot (1991) to the series broadcast in prime time in 1993, Quarxs received numerous international awards. INTERACTIVE ART, VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY (90's - now) In 1993, he received the Villa Medicis Hors Les Murs award for his Art...
  • ... Australian arts practice. Biggs’s own practice during this period included work with computer-generated animation, interactive installation, internet based artworks and work for CD-ROM. He collaborated with several composers, including Amsterdam...
  • ... on society, and issues of media access, free speech, and public/private space. Since 1989 Garrin has been working with interactive media. Garrin's well known documentary of the Tompkins Square Riot (1988) in NYC, shot with a home video camcorder,...
  • ...Nancy Paterson is a media artist working in the field of interactive installations. She received a Ph.D in Communications & Culture from York University and is Professor at OCAD University. She work with the notion of cyberfeminism and show her work in different...
  • ... the design of films, moving image, media art in general for public spaces in led screens and in VR projects in the field of interactive video art ...
  • ...Ken Rinaldo is internationally recognized for interactive art installations developing hybrid ecologies with animals, algorithms, plants, and bacterial cultures. His art/science practice serves as a platform for hacking complex social, biological, and machine...
  • ... that presents microcinematographed moving pictures from spinning discs; the invention and early reception of the Kaleidoscope; interactive museum displays as a contribution to what he calls “exhibition anthropology”; and the archaeological tradition in media...
  • ... in UCLA. He is also head of the interdisciplinary group ART+COM. He had been prized by Golden Lion, Cannes, Ars Electronica Interactive Award, British Academy for Film and Television Interactive Award, ADC New York and ADC Germany Gold. His work had been...
  • ... experience. In the 1990s installations were geometric processes of seddlement patterns. Since 1995 the installations became interactive, responding with algorithms to architectural aspects by using video tracking technology. Aside, Ursula Damm developed...
  • ...Lives and works in Brussels My main interests focus on social psychology and perception and their application in multimedia interactive installations. These projects attempt to widen the mind's potential for perception using different production materials: computers,...