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  • ... Embodying techniques developed for flight simulation, this work gave the operator the ability to interactively move his virtual point of view 360 degrees around the stage, 90 degrees up and down from ground level to aerial view, and forwards and...
  • ...A virtual projection installation created the illusion of looking through the theatre entrance doors at fictional scenes situated in the real space outside the theatre. The installation used the same augmented-reality technology that was first applied in Viewpoint...
  • ... walked away from the screen. The viewer's lone journey from the entrance up to the surface of the screen embodied a virtual journey through a set of images that had been architectonically mapped into the installation space. This convergence of an...
  • ... two controlling handles, and a pair of loudspeakers. Looking through the opening in the column, the spectator sees a large virtual image projected into the museum space - this image is overlaid on his view of the real environment. By pushing the handles,...
  • ... deconstructs and manipulates the constituent pixels of the original images and then anamorphically reconfigures them in a virtual three-dimensional space. This digital tromp l'oeil characterises the awesome contemporary view down from space which...
  • ... PhD within the European network TACK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her work specializes in embodied and multisensory virtuality, exploring the intersection of architecture, scenography and extended reality (xR). Her performative xR installations have...
  • ... imagery showed a room that reproduced the appearance and proportions of the real room accommodating the installation. The virtual space (the image on the the screen) and the real space (the room) were optically aligned so that the viewer facing a door or...
  • ... friction plate forces the viewers to exert themselves physically. Turning the monitor in one direction, the viewer rotates a virtual millstone and grinds grain into flour. Pushing it in the other direction, he interactively rifles through a large number of...
  • ...The Virtual Museum is a three-dimensional computer-generated museum constituted by an immaterial constellation of rooms and exhibits. A round, motorised rotating platform is furnished with a large video projection monitor, a computer, and a chair from which the viewer...
  • ...In this work the movement of a large video monitor mounted on an industrial fork-lift truck creates a virtual representation of a larger than life size ballerina. As the forklift moves the monitor up and down the ballerina is presented from head to toe, and as the...