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  • ... and political and artistic issues in interactive media. She is editor of the book, The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design...
  • ...Alessandro Ludovico is an artist, media critic and editor in chief of Neural magazine since 1993. He has published and edited several books, and...
  • ... ecosystems. From August 2007 until January 2008 she was editor of the Digital Artists' Handbook and is currently working on...
  • ...Seigo Matsuoka is Director of the Editorial Engineering Laboratory. Born in Kyoto in 1944, Matsuoka graduated from Waseda University School of...
  • ... and University of Göttingen, 1973-79. Artist and publisher. Editor of European Photography magazine, Göttingen and Berlin, since...
  • ... and the Board of Directors of ZERO1 San Jose, the Editorial Board of Leonardo, and the Scientific Council of the...
  • ... Office of Aesthetic Occupation. He is the founder and chief editor of the Journal of Neuroaesthetics and, 1997. ...
  • ... SARC (Science Art Research Collaboration). She had been in the editorial board of Leonardo since 1987. She has invested her lifetime...
  • ... Packer is a writer and scholar in new media, most notably the co-editor of┬áMultimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality┬áand the author...
  • ... at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia and a Contributing Editor to Performance Arts Journal (PAJ) MIT Press. Ellen is the...