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  • Lights Contacts is an interactive artwork perceptible by two people and more. This sensory installation is tactile, luminous and sonorous. It proposes an original and interactive stagings where spectators’bodies are transformed into real sonorous
  • Media bubble doesn’t blow up without a consumer, the installation doesn’t work without the visitor. To make the media field buzzing, to create scandals and little stars, one has to move oneself. You have to type in c**.com or order newyorktimes, you
  • Pedro Alves da Veiga is a Portuguese transdisciplinary artist and researcher. He holds a degree in Computer Science (Nova University of Lisbon), a Post-graduation in Advanced Studies of Digital Media Art (Aberta University) and a PhD in Digital
  • sens:less -
    sense:less is a place for humans to experience a stranger alternate reality. Through VR technology and a custom made body suit sense:less puts the user in a multi-sensory environment. This is a dramatic space, influenced by theatre, and the
  • A-Positive -
    A-positive, a dialogical event created by Ed Bennett and myself, probes the delicate relationship between the human body and emerging new breeds of hybrid machines that incorporate biological elements and from these elements extract sensorial or
  • "Last Entry: Bombay, 1st of July" is a collaborative documentary about a person, identity and gender unknown - a flaneur in the cultural space of the internet. Inspired by the novel "Orlando", written by Virginia Woolf in 1928, that reads like a
  • Triangles -
    This project explores the creation and use of a physical/digital construction kit. Triangles is a physical computer interface in the form of a construction kit of identical, flat, plastic triangles. The triangles connect together both physically and
  • Syncronicity 2008 This work developed out of my research fellowship at goldsmiths college.This is a live visualisation of a hand drawn city. Dozens of hand drawings are being walk on by small robots. The real space made as a visualisation. A
  • Off-Sense -
    Off-Sense is an extended version of Nuzzle Afar. Both challenges to design a cyberspace as a meeting place. It stands completely opposite position to the famous network game "DOOM". Video image texture and audio conneciton enables to humen common
  • Room of One`s Own -
    ROOM OF ONE'S OWN (1993) forces the viewers eyes to become immersed into the actual space of a tiny articulated interactive electronic peep show. A stainless steel box placed at eye level with movable periscopic viewing device bridges the