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  • ... to deform shape, time reference, and showing a different time-space environment on each... this public space every day, I wanted to make a piece with a highly participatory aspect...
  • ... and Belarus and was studied by The Eisenhower Institute in the U.S." - Paolo Cirio... in order to organize, promote and make actions against NATO. The multi language...
  • ...To make a hole, three dimensions are necessary. In the two-dimensions of the iconic thought experiment...
  • Architext - video
    ... from a great distance draws attention and makes the building porous to a transfer of...
  • ... Electronica, the festival that annually makes Linz the international center of media art....
  • ... us want to remember things and, moreover, how can such places give rise to other memories... is it about these kinds of places that makes us want to remember things and, moreover,...
  • ArsRss -
    ... of words found in the feeds. This makes for fast response times both for searching...
  • ... while tracing the journey of the look. However difficult it is to follow the look... enables a bi-directional dialogue. It makes the discovery of the masked parts of the...
  • ... will interpret and execute its commands. However, it is the lack of a visual component in... the devious little program commands it to make multiple copies of itself, setting off a...
  • ... sonic material. Many of these videos make creative use of YouTube functions like...