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  • VIDA 10.0
    VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Award
  • VIDA 11.0
    VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards
  • VIDA 12.0
    VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards
  • VIDA 13.2
    VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards
  • VIDA 14.0
    VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards
  • VIDA 15.0
    VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards
  • Evolution Artificial -
    Event: Evolution ArtificialInstitution: Fundación Telefónica MadridComment:
  • Event: Banquete_metabolismo y comunicaciónInstitution: Medialab MadridComment:
  • ... a media and video artist and AV performer whose creations have been...
  • Entrevista
    Ascott, Roy. Entrevista In El Arte en las Redes, edited by J. A. Lleo, 139-146. Madrid: Ediciones Anaya Multimedia S.A., 1997.