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  • Airground -
    ... the seaside. The visitors could enter and play on its soft inner surface.
  • ... a small garden composed of living musical plants, which react to gentle contact.... between plants and sound. They display the effects of random data flow and plant...
  • ... as a sound game with letters, it could be played trying to pay attention to the other...
  • ... a hidden computer analyses data and plays the melody generated with the movements of...
  • ... of narrative construction and the play between diverse ideological sub-texts...
  • ... work has a series of internal rules that play out different combinatoric strategies, as...
  • ... (Queneau 1961), and the exploratory game play practised by members the Surrealist movement,...
  • Animal Accessories -
    ... the thread through the back of a little bird which has been attached on a plexiglass...
  • ... experimental videos, multimedia and musical CDs, software products, acrylic paintings...