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  • ... optics engineer Joseph Howard between 2003 - 2005....
  • NANO Mandala -
    ... purposefully arranging atoms just as the monk...
  • ... and democracy, and how electrical telecommunication... dancing skeletons. Each wears a tiny poncho emblazoned...
  • Unreflective Mirror -
    ... in accordance with the wearer. He is at once present...
  • ... to wear CCTV which is shown on a monitor which also... CCTV and each is made to wear CCTV which is shown on a... - everything is watched and recorded - and unlike...
  • ... computing" [1], "wearable computing" [2], "robotic...
  • Timeless Universe -
    ... the largest one man show to date of Paul Friedlander's... the position of every atom and particle that exists....
  • Compass - a kind of orientation machine to wear around your waist that gives...
  • Phoney -
    ... electronic doppelganger. Wearing it like invisible armor,...
  • ... In ANIMAL INFECTED, however, the actor's identity is... and investigate spaces wearing it. Both projects blur...