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  • Ovid - video
    ...Video installation Series 'Bags' A text from the sixth book of Metamorphoses runs from the foreground...
  • ...Light objects Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' At what point are terms recognisable and integrable...
  • Positionen - video
    ...PositionenArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • ... #15] Series 'Body Scanned Architecture' The work series 'Projektskizzen' was developed in...
  • ...Light object Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' 'MotU #7' and 'MotU #8', from the series 'Mirrors of...
  • ... and thus installed as a punching ball in the exhibition space. A video shows the world...
  • Search -
    ...eo installation Series 'Bags' Ten bags, stacked with their opening facing forward, form a free-standing...
  • Shirt -
    ... is placed on a hanger in front of a wall. The shirt is open and reveals the inside of the...
  • Sprache Sehen -
    ... title, 'Seeing Language'] In each of the three staircases of the new building of the HTL...
  • Stairs -
    ... a rectangular spatial body is created by the identical shape of the bags (white rectangular...