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  • Event: ISEA 2002 [The Eleventh International Symposium on Electronic Art]Institution: ISEA International1Comment:
  • INSN(H)AK(R)ES -
    Event: INSN(H)AK(R)ESInstitution: Casa da Cultura Percy Vargas de Abreu LimaComment:
  • Art and Technology -
    Event: Art and TechnologyInstitution: Itaú Cultural InstituteComment:
  • I am a New Zealander based in Berlin. I've been active in the critical intersection of art and technology since 1998. My projects and the occassional paper have been presented at many museums, international electronic-art events and conferences,
  • Currently an Assistant Professor developing an electronic art program at Union College in Schenectady, NY, Fernando Orellana uses new and traditional media as a way of transmitting concepts that range from generative art to socialpolitical
  • Event: On Justifying the Hypothetical Nature of Art and the Non-Identicality within the Object WorldInstitution: Galerie Tanja GrunertComment:
  • Kwangju Biennale 1995 -
    Event: Kwangju Biennale 1995Institution: The Gwangju Biennale FoundationComment:
  • Event: DEAF 00: Machine TimesInstitution: V2_Lab for the Unstable MediaComment:
  • Artfuture 2000 -
  • Event: 28. Duisburger FilmwocheInstitution: Volkshochschule DuisburgComment: