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  • Guasch, Anna María. El Arte del sigo XX: de la Segunda Guerra Mundial hasta nuestros días. Madrid, Spain: Espasa Calpe, 1996.
  • Solid Landscapes -
    In the video "Solid Landscapes", the artist “spells out” the never-ending growth of usable and productive (anti-)landscapes by reproducing and multiplying evidence of a dramatic change that is occurring in an incremental manner around the world. It
  • Marina Gržinić is a philosopher, theoretician, and artist based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2003, she has served as Full Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria. Gržinić does innovative work in practice research, she is a
  • TellTale -
    TellTale is a story construction kit for children. Its goal is to help youngsters create and experiment with the structure and content of oral language in way similar to how written text is composed. The design consists of a number of modular body
  • "Fantastic diver" is the name of a film created in 1905 by the Aragon’s director Segundo de Chomón. This facility called Electric diver, uses fragments of the digitized footage to develop a series of projections that the viewer can be modified by
  • D3US EX M4CH1NA. Art and Artificial Intelligence LABoral Centro de Arte de Creación Industrial, Gijón (Spain) November 22, 2010 – May 16, 2020 Memo Akten, Harold Cohen, Jake Elwes, Lynn Hershman-Leeson, Felix Luque, Lauren McCarthy, Anna Ridler,
  • Untitled & Untied -
    Installation that utilizes machine learning to reflect on systematic discrimination by focusing on the indefinite detention of Mexicans with Japanese heritage concentrated in Morelos during WWII. This algorithmic discrimination system tears apart
  • 2016 PLUNC 2016 New Media and Digital Art Festival (29. Sept - 2. Oct. 2016) With works by: Artica CC, Thomas Grogan, anaa colectivo, Antonio Quiroga Waldthaler, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, Nuno Correia, Monica Vlad, Tiago Rorke e
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and TIAGO FRANKLIN R LUCENA. Inovação Disruptiva e tecnologias criativas na reengenharia do urbano: modos de vida expandidos, cognição e afetos com sistemas enativos In Moda Inclusiva: Para Todos, edited by Ana Mery Sehbe
  • eCULTURE FACTORY wird mit zwei Produkten auf dem Bremen-Stand der CeBIT vertreten sein. In Halle 9, B21 werden das Virtuelle Buch und das Interaktive Plakat mit eigens für die CeBit entworfenen Inhalten zu sehen sein.