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  • Bodytext
    Bodytext is a performance work that involves speech, movement and the body. A dancer's movement and speech are re-mediated within an augmented environment employing real-time motion tracking, voice recognition, interpretative language systems,
  • Art seeks diverse ways of understanding reality. Kiasma’s international exhibition ARS 06 focuses on meaning of art as part of the reality of our time. The subtitle of the exhibition is Sense of the Real. The human experiences like joy and sorrow
  • Ilknur Yalvac is an artist and designer based in Vienna, holding a degree in Digital Arts from the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Her artistic practice is rooted in a deep exploration of the interconnectedness of music history, literature,
  • I am honored to be guest VR artist in Karolina Markiewicz and Pascal Piron's moving VR work that tells the story of a child who, resilient to despair, seeks relief through memories, imagination, and the strength of poetry. This is based on the true
  • Heaven -
    supose we told you about a machine that receives images form heaven would you believe us ? and if we say you may conect to this machine via Cu seeme reflector ? would you try it ? could you believe in a machine that connects you to the globe and
  • Virtual Concrete -
    Virtual Concrete consists of six 3-ft slabs of concrete covered with large electrostatic (digital output) prints, along with light sensors and a computer connected to the Internet via a CU-SeeMe camera. The website concrete allows
  • LAM -
    A computer installation desigend to create communication between several computers. A network created an on going creative process between the computers surrounding the viewer with light and sound. The process would continue to change as the
  • Uncontrolled Hermetic -
    Uncontrolled Hermetic featured a single life-size human figure 'bagged' in a bunny suit made of felt. The figure stood outside a clean room, which housed a Victorian drawing machine that makes self-generated drawings apparently without
  • Initially this work was developed as a stereoscopic projection for a concert of the Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul van Nevel and performed at Zeitfenster Biennale Alter Musik 2002 in the DaimlerChrysler Building, Berlin. In its later iterations
  • Curator: Christiane Paul Works by: Rebecca Allen David Rokeby Christa Sommerer+Laurent Mignonneau Maciej Wisniewski eVolution approaches the realm of artificial life from the perspective of art and takes a look at the different ways in wich artists