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  • programme of the "10ª Jornada Nacional da Literatura"
  • Event: Contact Zones/The Art of the CD-RomInstitution: Nickle Arts Museum/ University of CalgaryComment:
  • Event: A Subversão dos MeiosInstitution: Itaú Cultural InstituteComment:
  • Monumedia
    Event: MonumediaInstitution: Museo Diego Aragona Pignatelli CortesComment:
  • Statement Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts beschäftige ich mich mit dem urbanen Raum, Naturphänomenen, dem menschlichen Körper, politischen Themen und virtuellen Welten. Im Rahmen meines Kunststudiums habe ich Werke entwickelt,
  • American digital artist. His work has been exhibited at a variety of national and international venues including the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte in Spain; the Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach, California; the Museum of Modern Art in New York,
  • Event: The Electronic and Digital Art ShowInstitution: Getrude Posel GalleryComment:
  • Event: 12th stuttgart filmwinterInstitution: Wand 5 e. V.Comment:
  • Event: ISEA 2002 [The Eleventh International Symposium on Electronic Art]Institution: ISEA International1Comment:
  • INSN(H)AK(R)ES -
    Event: INSN(H)AK(R)ESInstitution: Casa da Cultura Percy Vargas de Abreu LimaComment: