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  • SandScape -
    SandScape is a tangible interface for designing and understanding landscapes through a variety of computational simulations using sand. Users view these simulations as they are projected on the surface of a sand model that represents the terrain. The...
  • Artist: Sandra De BerduccyComment:
  • Artist: Sandra BeckerComment:
  • Artist: Sandra AraujoComment:
  • Sandra Alvaro is a scholar working on the encounters between art, science and society. Primarily dedicated to contemporary aesthetics, her recent work focuses on how the technological and societal changes from postmodernity affect and have been...
  • Sandquake -
    Long lengths of polythene tubing were buried in the sand at a beach in the Camargue in France. This tubing was then slowly inflated so that it gradually rose up and erupted out of the sand.
  • Sandquake -
    Air structure event with Theo Botschuijver Shown at TV Gallery Gerry Schum, Camargue, France, 1969. Long lengths of polythene tubing were buried in the sand at a beach in the Camargue in France. This tubing was then slowly inflated so that it...
  • sandbox -
    driessens & verstappen
    sandbox, 2009
    Wood, lacquer, metal, fans, sand, electronics, 245 x 122 x 176 cm
    Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Ámsterdam
    Acknowledgements: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Architecture and Design,...
  • San Marco Flow -
    "San Marco Flow" layers all the actions of people and pigeons on Piazza San Marco in Venice into a pair of evolving images representing two views of the recent history of activities there. The images are, in effect, lit by animate presence; things...