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  • ...Fulldome participatory installation as a metaphor for a prediction...
  • Interactive installation exploring the potential of single-user virtual reality. Rearrangement of multiple subjective camera views captured from the body of an Olympic diver. VR head-mounted display transmitting simultaneous viewpoints and
  • ... for Visual Designers and Artists, a comprehensive...
  • Mixed-reality installation with live and virtual performers, encountered via the smartphones of the visitors. Real and virtual situations come together, and micro-narratives emerge, based on shifting degrees of presence, traces of daily gestures and
  • The Messive -
    Tapestry weaving on a base of binary code, gives an essential knowledge about our solar system, DNA, first 7 days of creation of Bible as a message for our descendants.
  • Re-Lighting -
    About 300 km above the Earth (the orbital altitude of the International Space Station), the planet's surface occupies an important place. During the day you can see the continents, at night - the lights of the cities. From further distance, the
  • ...Catherine Richards is a visual artist and professor working in old...
  • ...Martin Rieser, was visiting Professor Pervasive Media Studio Bristol...
  • ... Award-winning Net-Artist. 2004: Kunst am Bau -...
  • ...Interactive artist and programmer from Barcelona with a Fine Arts...