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  • the leap -
    The Leap carries out a new interpretation of Norwegian national symbols: Henrik Ibsen's "Peer Gynt", Edvard Grieg's music to the play and The Norwegian mountain wilds. In the installation these functions as condensed symbols of our
  • Cheap Imitation -
    "Cheap Imitation" is an homage to Marcel Duchamp. Duchamp was of course an inveterate re-user of existing works of art. In "Cheap Imitation", Rokeby has cut up Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase" into the several hundred facets that make up
  • spectraII -
    The installation relies on the intersection of sound and architecture and continues Ikeda's interest in phenomena - be they light, tone or sound - and how they materialise and manifest themselves in the world. The piece is built as a narrow,
  • This collaborative composition consists of 6 movements, leading the listener through a utopian sonic maelstrom in a modern re- interpretation of some sections of ‘New Atlantis’ (Francis Bacon, 1624- 27). Psychedelica, field recordings and abstract
  • Divers Faits -
    The project Divers Faites is built around a photographic series of contemporary still lives. The historic references of the project are situated in the Dutch painting of XVIIth century, which contains a real dictionary of visual allegories developed
  • Global Direct -
    "Global Direct introduces the idea of direct participation in worldwide governance within the tradition of utopian artistic visions. The artwork is presented as a visionary political program that structures global direct democracy through the
  • Boca en la red es una videocreación El trabajo consiste en la proyección de una boca femenina que sonríe en un movimiento fluctuante. La escena está fragmentada en siete partes y cada una de ellas se mueve independientemente. Al observar la
  • Grau, Oliver. Novas Imagens da Vida: Realidade virtual e arte genética In Arte e Vida no Século XXI: Tecnologia, ciéncia e criatividade, edited by Diana Dominguez, 285-303. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Editora UN, 2003.
  • The VII Symposium on Virtual Reality is an international forum, sponsored by (SBC), and organized by SENAC - SP , which brings together researchers, practitioners, students, and other professionals concerned with the advances and applications of