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  • Whether they are dynamic or static; sculptures by Henrik Menné are basically about process, balance and about organizing matter through both rigid systems and chance. The major part of Mennés production consists of large-scale machines or
  • Event: DaueraustellungInstitution: Jüdisches Museum BerlinComment:
  • Event: Off-Sense - Cyberspace we all shareInstitution: Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM)Comment:
  • Event: PERSPECTIVE International Media Art and Media History ExhibitionInstitution: Mûcsarnok / Kunsthalle BudapestComment:
  • Event: Dennis del Favero: Cross CurrentsInstitution: Medienmuseum des ZKMComment:
  • Event: Dennis del Favero: Foreign BodiesInstitution: Kunstverein RosenheimComment:
  • Event: Dennis del Favero. FantasmiInstitution: Sprengel Museum HannoverComment:
  • Event: Art Futura 2003: Stretched PaintInstitution: Art FuturaComment:
  • Event: Art Futura 2002: The Web as CanvasInstitution: Art FuturaComment:
  • Biological theories, mathematical principles, and technology are founding elements in his work. He straddles the boundaries between video art, performance,, music, and painting. An amalgam of nuances from a world ruled by data overload.