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  • Warburg, Aby Moritz. Schlangenritual: Ein Reisebericht. Berlin, DE: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, 1996.
  • Sengers, Phoebe. Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents Leonardo 36, no. 4 (2002): 427-431.
  • Simon Schiessl is an engineer and artist. Trained in physics and engineering in Munich and Berlin, he designs and fabricates interactive media systems. Currently, he is a candidate for an MS degree at the MIT Media Lab. Schiessl is an artist whose...
  • schème II -
    Event: schème IIInstitution: Dance UmbrellaComment:
  • Two dancers/performers interact with an audio-visual environment. Their movement data control cameras, microphones, and architectural projections of 3D representations of each performance venue. Four scenes, made up of choreography and media, play on...
  • Two dancers/performers interact with an audio-visual environment. Their movement data control cameras, microphones, and architectural projections of 3D representations of each performance venue. Four scenes, made up of choreography and media, play on...
  • schème
    Mussely, Catherine. schème
  • schème -
    Event: schèmeInstitution: La Rose des VentsComment:
  • schème -
    Event: schèmeInstitution: Ménagerie de VerreComment: