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  • n-Cha(n)t -
    ... together: chattering amongst themselves, musing, intoning chants...... of mind'. (source: together: chattering amongst themselves, musing, intoning chants......
  • Seen -
    ...een" is an extrapolation on "Watch", using the whole of Piazza San Marco in Venice... video source. (source: een" is an extrapolation on "Watch", using the whole of Piazza San Marco in Venice...
  • Body Language -
    ...Body Language represents the second generation of interactive sound installations... the movements. (source: Body Language represents the second generation of interactive sound installations...
  • ..."(Perception is) The Master of Space" is a variation of "Very Nervous System".... of the space. (source: "(Perception is) The Master of Space" is a variation of "Very Nervous System"....
  • Petite Terre -
    ... small speakers are hidden under the leaves of the vegetation which... as the world. (source: small speakers are hidden under the leaves of the vegetation which...
  • ... down onto a bed of sand on the floor of the installation space. In... on a computer. (source: down onto a bed of sand on the floor of the installation space. In...
  • ...Research into the nontraditional materials of sculpture has accompanied my... monuments. from the artist's homepage Research into the nontraditional materials of sculpture has accompanied my...
  • ...Fuller, Matthew. The Cat Seemed to Think There was Enough of it Now in Sight... Online Publication on Artist´s Homepage (2010). Fuller, Matthew. The Cat Seemed to Think There was Enough of it Now in Sight...
  • ... tiger! Article Artist´s Homepage.
  •, writer and curator, who has worked in the field of Bio Art since the late... ist, writer and curator, who has worked in the field of Bio Art since the late...