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  • ... the map. GPS devices tell us where we are...
  • Windscreen -
    Windscreen is an experimental, wind-driven physical interface, 2001. Any physical scale habitable by the human body is also "inhabited" by massive levels of sensory data, equivalent to perhaps millions of analog-to-digital inputs a second. My
  • Audience -
    In February 2010, rAndom went to the US to install the first copy of the Audience edition for a private collection. The installation is laid out on a long stretch of a custom designed plywood floor. For the first time it was possible to install it
  • Location of I -
    ... from locative devices, I have found it to...
  • The Potential Thief -
    New performance installation exploring the relationship between the individual and cinematic image. Performers and audience members negotiate one another’s movements as they copy excerpts from films. Three audience members are asked to join each
  • YOU FADE TO LIGHT Commissioned by Philips Royal Electronics / Milan 2009 ‘You Fade To Light’ is is an interactive media installation that provokes a kinesthetic dialogue between the viewer and their very own mirror image. The work encourages
  • Stolen Life -
    Two concepts have marked 21st century creation, the metaphysical consequence of which is obvious to everyone, despite their apparent differences. The first is the idea that it is the spectator who creates the picture and the second is that the
  • eavesdrop - video
    Presented in a 360-degree purpose-built cinematic environment, 10 people forever repeat a certain 9 minutes of their lives. Exploring terrain that is at once spiritual, moral, ethical, psychological and physical, this ingeniously crafted artwork is
  • There is still time… Brother is rooted in the recording of a Wooster Group performance developed specifically to be viewed as a projection on a 360-degree screen. The video is revealed by way of a window that scans around the screen, never showing
  • TGarden is a responsive media environment in which small groups of participants from the general public influenced and played with real-time-generated sound and image through improvised movement and gesture. Visitors to the environment —which