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  • mediaBlocks -
    The mediaBlocks project is a tangible user interface based upon small, electronically tagged wooden blocks. The blocks serve as physical icons ("phicons") for the containment, transport, and manipulation of online media. mediaBlocks interface with
  • Sea-Changes -
    In Sea-Changes (1997-98) artists age 50 or over, from a variety of disciplines, were invited to submit personal biographical materials to a common database. The original idea was to have them use that database as a basis from which create fictional
  • Gogota, Hisanori. On the Artists Works (Ulrike Gabriel) Online Publication (1997).
  • In Conversation -
    In November 1997, on Duke Street in Brighton, passers-by encountered an animated mouth projected onto the pavement. Through loudspeakers they could also hear a voice trying to strike up a conversation (the voice was made up of text to speech
  • Event: Permanent collection: "Life Spacies" (online interaction)Institution: ICC (Intercommunication Center)Comment:
  • Rara Avis -
    The work “Rara Avis” (1996) of Eduardo Kac consists of a large cage, in which thirty real birds (zebra finches) and a telerobot, which looks like a rare bird, take place. In the macaw’s eyes are installed two cameras with Charge-Coupled Devices
  • A web site, on the theme of viral infection, exploring issues around HIV/AIDS through contributions in both text and image from web users/artists and through associated workshops and events. (
  • mediaFlow -
    mediaFlow is the first project to interlink the multiple Tangible Bits platforms. mediaFlow uses Triangles to route the flow information such as activity on the transBOARD, metaDESK, or online sources to destinations like Ambient Fixtures, the
  • The Distorted Barbie -
    "The distorted Barbie" is a web-art installation that displayed digitally altered images of Barbie dolls in order to comment on Barbie as a cultural/commercial symbol and pop-icon. He published his original Distorted Barbie both on his own site at
  • Animal Locomotion -
    In Animal Locomotion (1996-2000), which began with drawings made from Muybridge's photographs of figures in motion, the viewer interactively changes the configuration of the site through interactive image manipulation. The server keeps track of the