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  • Bruno, Giuliana. Atlas of Emotions : Journeys in Art, Architecture, and Film. London, New York: Verso, 2002.
  • Helyer, Nigel. An Atlas of Small Voyages LAND , no. 1 (2013).
  • Event: Airlight Boulder, Airlight Taipei and Airlight SocalInstitution: The Atlas CenterComment:
  • Becker, Daniel. Atlas oder Orakel? Atlas or oracle? [].
  • FACT Centre -
    ... was therefore to maximise these views where...
  • ... He worked at Ashworth maximum security hospital in...
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Cenários cíbridos: átimos calmos em comunicação ubíqua e móvel por conexões transparentes In A Cibercultura em Transformação: Poder, Liberdade e Sociabilidade (ABCiber Vol.2), edited by Eugenio TRIVINHO and Edimilson
  • Interactive artist and programmer from Barcelona with a Fine Arts degree and a Masters in Digital Arts. She focuses her work in creating playful interactive art pieces in order to make new media art closer to the public (or users). She sees the game
  • Dioramas of the Divine is a series of abstracted, interactive landscapes inspired by Greek mythology. The triptych creates a unified vision of awe and power, which is divided into three distinct scenes seen from the perspectives of the gods Zeus and
  • Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator, Hill Street, Singapore 2006. In 1909 the Armenian Church of St Gregory the Illuminator was the first building in Singapore to acquire electric lights and fans. This fact no doubt had its resonances with the