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  • Drake Street is a street in Rochdale. It is much like many other streets in other towns across Britain. It is also unique. Drake Street is not the main shopping street of Rochdale and is therefore not populated by shops from the major national and
  • netomat is a web browser that takes visitors for a ride into an unexplored internet. Unlike traditional web browsers, which retrieve only predefined web content and rely on the model of the page, netomat engages a different internet -- one that is
  • Snow Globe was the official email announcement for the Whitney Museum's BitStreams and Data Dynamics show, which ran from March 22 through June 10, 2001. It was a microsite in form of an animated snow globe containing information about the show and
  • Mobile Unit - video
    MOBILE UNIT 2001 The basic goal of the Mobile Unit is to provide a fully-fledged networked multimedia environment, which can be set up in any space without a direct Internet connection. This environment should enable people to display, edit and
  • HOME OF THE BRAIN (1990-91) - PHILOSOPHICAL DIALOGUES IN VIRTUAL SPACE Created between 1989 and 1991, HOME OF THE BRAIN by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss is considered to be one of the first pieces of Virtual Reality in the world to make
  • DIGITAL SPARKS : STUDENT CONTEST 2001 - 2008 The "Digital Sparks Matrix" is an interface for browsing all of the projects submitted to the " Digital Sparks" student competitions between 2001 and 2008 funded by the German Ministry for Research and
  • Semantic Map -
    SEMANTIC MAP - A RADAR FOR THE DATA COSMOS (2001/04) The Semantic Map presents individual documents as nodes in a network of themes and practices. By differentiating and becoming co-producers of meaning, viewers can actively engage with content and
  • NETZSPANNUNG.ORG : MEDIA ART ARCHIVE PLATFORM 1997- 2001 / 2012 is an online archive platform for the collection and promotion of media art. Beyond the archive, programs such as streaming tele-lectures by media scholars, media art
  • Jizo (2001): Interact magazine commission web projectArtist: Patrícia GouveiaComment:
  • Netomatheque provides a voice-driven interface to the netomat browser. In a cozy living room setting, with a comfortable couch, a fireplace and floor to ceiling projections on the walls Netomatheque allows the user to talk directly to the WWW using