Archive Search

  • Exit Festival 2002 -
    Event: Exit Festival 2002Institution: Maison des Arts CréteilComment:
  • Event: Public Keys (Performance)Institution: San Francisco Camera WorksComment:
  • Displacements -
    Event: DisplacementsInstitution: San Francisco Museum of Modern ArtComment:
  • Joan Leandre is a member of the Observatory Archives ( since 1992. Interpreter and translator of media developes his activity between the laboratory ( and the open sky with Maja Wolinska
  • Marc Lee is a Swiss artist. He uses contemporary art as a vehicle to continuously redefine how we see ourselves and the world around us. He is experimenting with information and communication technologies and within his contemporary art practice, he
  • Images du Futur 1996 -
    organized by Hervé Fischer and Ginette Major
  • MultiMediale 5 -
    Event: MultiMediale 5Institution: ZKMComment:
  • Event: Nouvelle image, nouveaux réseauxInstitution: La Villette Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • Event: Printemps de septembre, Festival of Contemporary Images: "Fragilités"Institution: Printemps de septembreComment:
  • The Imaginary Hotel -
    Event: The Imaginary HotelInstitution: The Chapman GalleryComment: