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  • "The work series entitled netropolis is an exploration of the way global cities will develop in the future. Of similar magnitude to the impact of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century, it is now computer networks and the information
  • framework f5x5x5 -
    Framework is a kinetic light sculpture constituted by five modules. Each of these modules is constituted of 5 horizontal and 5 vertical square elements, establishing a grid of 5x5x5 =125 frames. This resolution writing is present in the project
    ... work. more than just signifiers of the new...
  • Breathless
    Installation consists of three light objects. Two of them are connected to the RSS [web] feed via computers, and the third, with the aid of the anemomenter provides wind, temperature, noise of street (environment). Computer searches for all words,
  • Documentation Video for Ken Rinaldo and Amy Young's "Farm Fountain" Sculpture. Video editing by
  • ADA -
    analog interactive installation / kinetic sculpture / post-digital drawing machine
  • Temple -
    Media:loudspeakers, amplifiers, telephone number Dimensions:24" x 20" x 20" Description: adaptation of the Delphi "Tholos" Temple Ruin. Electroacoustic Sculpture made of 3000 recycled loudspeakers, amplifiers and radios. Sound: white noise. People
  • Vice Box -
    This very small, pocket size, sculpture allows the viewer to build his own portrait based on his sins and vices.
  • World Wide VIP -
    Three accessories identify a VIP: his/her passport, cell phone and international credit card. One sculpture condenses these three products into one. To attain this trophy, visitors must take a journey dotted with contradictory messages vaunting the
  • Beacon
    Beacon (2010) is an light sculpture created by media artist Ben Rubin; its animated shapes are based on the unique visual structure of the pages of the Talmud. It was commissioned by the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia,